Yesterday, by a vote of 246-192 the United States House of Representatives -- led by the Democrats -- passed the resolution to the right. (Courtesy of the Wall Street Journal.)
Our own congressional delegation voted 4-1 in favor of the resolution. No doubt this is the latest demonstration of the far-lefts' "support the troops but not the mission" mantra, a concept we at ConnCon take issue with but will leave for later discussion. But, it's also a lesson in how elections have consequences. Had this resolution been proposed in, say October 2006, our state delegation would have opposed it 3-2, with Reps. Johnson, Simmons, and Shays voting against. But, the liberal winds blew pervasively through Connecticut last November and, unlike much of the rest of the country, our moderate Republicans were replaced (with the exception of Shays) by tow-the-line liberals.

It's said that a picture says a thousand words. If so, have a look at the photos above, taken just after the vote. The first is of freshman congressman Christopher Murhpy from our Fifth District, who positioned himself prominently behind the group of young Democrats speaking in favor of the resolution. The other is of our new speaker, Nancy Pelosi, smiling just after the resolution, reminiscent of President Clinton smiling in the Rose Garden after the ill-fated Oslo Agreement.
Elections have consequences, and this one is severe.